Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

Sunburst Over River

Tag: Holy Beautiful

  • Mindset of Persistence

    Mindset of Persistence

    One of my greatest irritations is my kid’s inability to truthfully keep at things. The second something isn’t interesting anymore or doesn’t hold enough weight for them, they […]

  • It’s In Your Head

    It’s In Your Head

    It’s In Your Head In a world teeming with violent images, harsh news, back-biting, gossip, visions of terror, war and fear-mongering it is no wonder that many Christians […]

  • Opening the Eyes of My Heart

    Opening the Eyes of My Heart

    As I’ve been preparing to write each Tuesday for Holy Beautiful on our MINDS, I was brought back to a passage out of Ephesians that holds special significance […]

  • Mind Control

    Mind Control

    Over at Holy Beautiful I’ve been tasked with writing a year-long series on Mind, Body, and Spirit- what scripture says about these tenets of our selves as well […]

  • Fabulous Footwear

    Fabulous Footwear

    Lately my middle son is going through a shoe phase. Or I should say, a shoe LESS phase. Twice now we’ve loaded into the car, driven to our […]

  • A Change of Scenery

    A Change of Scenery

    I’ve been doing a lot of gardening lately and my poor front bed has been begging for attention. It’s got several bushes that, although beautiful, were just planted […]

  • Playing Hide and Seek

    Playing Hide and Seek

    Lately my kids have been on a hide-and-seek kick. Generally from each other, though occasionally they just <love> to hide from me… especially when they’re playing and I’m […]

  • Jars of Clay

    Jars of Clay

    We took in a new foster this week who was in a horrific car crash last year. It’s taken almost 9 months to recoup but she finally came […]

  • You Are Loved

    You Are Loved

    I wanted to pause with you for just a moment today to tell you that I love you.We may have never met. We probably will never get the […]

  • For Those Who Ache

    For Those Who Ache

    For Those Who Ache I imagine you feel like damaged goods. Like what little was there to start with is now irrevocably tarnished. So much so that you’re […]