Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

Sunburst Over River

Month: April 2018

  • Testify


    It has been on my heart of late the importance of our testimony. Everyone who is in Christ has one, we know our own stories like the back […]

  • Spring Has Sprung

    Spring Has Sprung

    …and with it new growth, new opportunities, new life, and new possibilities. If you’re anything like me, after what feels like days upon days of sunless winter skies, […]

  • Filled to the Brim

    Filled to the Brim

    Any cup-hoarders out there? If you are anything like me, I love me a cute cup. Mugs in particular. Being an avid coffee drinker and a nurse to […]

  • Holding Hamsters and Grudges

    Holding Hamsters and Grudges

    Over the Easter weekend a tremendous and long-awaiting event occurred at the Douglas house. Jake came to visit us for the weekend! My sons in particular had been […]

  • Sometimes Looking Down is the Best Way to Look Up

    Sometimes Looking Down is the Best Way to Look Up

    One of my favorite things to do with my little ones is to play “I Spy”. Whether it be the books or just driving down the highway, it […]