Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

Sunburst Over River

Tag: women of God

  • Thunder in Heaven

    Thunder in Heaven

    I had a vision where the Daughters of the Most High linked arms, eyes lifted heavenward, palms uplifted in supplication. We bowed our hearts. Together our knees hit the floor […]

  • The Cutting Edge

    The Cutting Edge

    I’ve been struck very much lately by the power of words. Written, spoken, heard, passed on- words have such weight in our lives. Parenting foster children has shown […]

  • A Change of Scenery

    A Change of Scenery

    I’ve been doing a lot of gardening lately and my poor front bed has been begging for attention. It’s got several bushes that, although beautiful, were just planted […]

  • The Four Most Important Things Every Foster Family Needs To Know- Lessons From The Fostering Front

    The Four Most Important Things Every Foster Family Needs To Know- Lessons From The Fostering Front

    We recently took in and subsequently gave up two foster sons, all in the space of about 5 weeks. We loved a lot, we cried a lot, we […]

  • Flowers Among the Snow – The Untimeliness of a Timely God

    Flowers Among the Snow – The Untimeliness of a Timely God

    For Those Who Live In Southwest Missouri, We Get To Enjoy Truly All Four Seasons Of The Year… Sometimes In One Day. I Kid You Not, This Weather […]

  • When Ringpops Stand Between Heaven and Hell

    When Ringpops Stand Between Heaven and Hell

    I Was Teaching A <Rather> Competitive Class Of 4th Thru 6th Graders In Our Wednesday Night Church Program a few years back. When I Was Met Head-On With […]

  • The Joshua Series- SCARLET CORDS

    The Joshua Series- SCARLET CORDS

    Hebrews 11, the enviable “Hall of Faith” in the New Testament is chalk-full of formidable giants of the Bible. Abel, Moses, Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Isaac, Rahab, Jacob, Gideon, […]

  • You Are Loved

    You Are Loved

    I wanted to pause with you for just a moment today to tell you that I love you.We may have never met. We probably will never get the […]

  • Restless


    What costly graceThat my life should be so transformedBeyond that which is called comfortable!My heart is so charged With a restlessness to serve YouAnd feel that restWhich only laboring […]

  • Counting Joy

    Counting Joy

    Joy is an odd thing. It’s hard to get my head around this feeling at times because, as we all know, feelings are fickle. As humans are feelings […]