Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

Sunburst Over River

Month: September 2017

  • The Darker the Night

    I am thrilled, thrilled, THRILLED to feature one of my favorite bloggers and fellow LIT sister, Kate Redmon this week. She wrote this several weeks ago and graciously […]

  • Into His Arms

    Picking up my child at school the other day I happened to be at just the right spot where I could watch the ‘walk-up’ line. As the bell […]

  • Heaven’s Front Porch

    Jonah, my 3-year old and I have a game we like to play. We try to outdo each other in the love department. Usually our conversations go something […]

  • In Bad Times and In Good

    They say that everyone finds God in jail and in the hospital. As a trauma nurse I can attest that at least the second part of that saying […]

  • The Power of Generic Prayer

    I’ve noticed an interesting trend in my prayer life as I’ve grown older… though many people will preach on the value of specificity in prayers, through the years […]

  • Living for Living Water

    From last Tuesday’s Holy Beautiful post.   Living for Living Water John 4:7-14 NIV When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you […]

  • Beyond the Boredom

    I have exciting news! Tuesday blogs will be cross-posts from my writing for the incredible ministry Holy Beautiful. I hope that you enjoy all their posts and please […]