Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

Grace Within the Trauma (part 7)

I haven’t posted a huge update in awhile. I apologize- with R coming home and the holidays hitting right at the same time it’s been a bit crazy around here.

In short, she’s settling in nicely. We’re exhausted. The kids had a great Christmas. We’re exhausted. She got her prosthetic (named Roosevelt in case I hadn’t told you yet! Rosie for short). And we’re exhausted. Lol

R has PT, OT, and Speech for an hour each three times a week- plus various other therapy appts too so we’re staying quite busy. Once her therapists here feel that she’s ready she’ll go back up the St. Louis for intensive 2-week prosthetic training. After that she should be home for good with just weekly therapies. I’m looking forward to finding a new and manageable normal.

Other than that she has good moments and hard moments. The trauma of all this and everything else in her life takes its toll. I’m finding myself needing a lot of extra patience and grace for her- her needs are many and I’m finding my own echoes in hers at times. This is certainly a sanctifying experience to say the least. I confess I struggle some days with not ‘enough’ for her and all the other kids too. I feel pulled in a million directions during the especially busy moments and then feel guilty that I don’t have more to give. It’s a process of adjustment for sure.

I’m reminded continually though how much I need God in my day-to-day. The I’m reminded continually though how much I need God in my day-to-day. The perceived ease of former seasons calls to me when I’m tired and I sometimes long for those quieter and more restful and predictable times. But I am equally as thankful for these difficult days. It forces me to depend so very much on the Father and I guess I’ve learned over time how wonderful a place that is… to have to fully rely on Him. Anything that drives me to my knees and into His arms must be a good thing. And all this is very good. Hard. Exhausting. But good. When I am weak (which is more often than not) His strength is made perfect!

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9NIV

00002 3260601196 removebg preview 1 Bethany L Douglas - Author Mother, Flight nurse



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