Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

In Bad Times and In Good


They say that everyone finds God in jail and in the hospital. As a trauma nurse I can attest that at least the second part of that saying is mostly true. In times of worry, stress, sickness, death- people do often, and quickly, reach out to God. Even non-Christians find God pretty fast when times get tough.
But what about when times are good?

I can’t help but think that these times of peace, prosperity, health, and happiness are actually more important in seeking God than the bad times. God desires us to find Him when we don’t ‘need’ Him. For it is then that we are seeking Him because we simply want to be with Him- in His presence for His presence sake. What a precious treasure those times of unneeded communion with Him must be to His heart.

I was reminded while writing this of some beautiful passages about this in Psalm 23- “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”
These are times of peace, seasons of rest, periods of comfort. And God is THERE! Still.

Yes, God is found often and readily in bad times. His light burns all the brighter in those dark places. But He is present, available, and waiting for you to meet during the good times too- when He can enjoy the rest and quiet with you, when He can speak softly because there’s no drama harassing your senses, when He can know that you’re there, with Him, simply because of Him and not just what He can offer.

When was the last time you spent time with God just because you could- not needing anything, just hanging out with a beloved Friend?

Green pastures.
Still waters.
Restorer of souls.

We too often think of God only as Savior. He is equally Friend and Brother-

….in bad times and in good. Seek Him in both.


pc- Jeff Peterson, A Wanderer in a Strange Land

00002 3260601196 removebg preview 1 Bethany L Douglas - Author Mother, Flight nurse



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