Christian Author & Speaker | Mom Life – YouVersion Writer – Helicopter Mom | LIFT! Ministries

When you’ve got lemonade but you really just need a lemon


It was opening day for Term 2 at Camp Barnabas. Intake at the WellHouse for the nurses was in full force and I had just been called over by one of my nurses asking if camp had lemon juice. A camper apparently needed some so therefore the medical center needed some available. We needed… no let me rephrase, a very thorough camper mom was telling us that we medically required lemon juice. It was literally a medical necessity. Ummm, okay, that’s a new one I thought to myself…. lemon juice….
Let me give you a bit of background, Camp Barnabas is a Christian camp for children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. As you can imagine the types and kind of campers we serve can run the gamut of medical needs. From MACE procedures, a bazillion medications, G-tubes, bowel programs, and ventilators- I see all sorts of medical equipment and we serve a huge array of medical ‘stuff’. So at first, the request for lemon juice was not <totally> weird… sure… absolutely we have lemon juice. I’d check with our cook and see but it’d be no biggie to steal some from the kitchen; and worst case scenario, we’d grab the lemonade available and use that. But then this particular request got strange… mom was informing us that her child couldn’t use just any kind of lemon juice, she needed freshly squeezed lemon juice.  Not lemonade, not fake lemon juice… As in, out of a real lemon, freshly squeezed lemon juice. Unsweetened, undiluted- straight up out of the lemon.



The little-squirters in the back of my mouth (total medical term there…) were working overdrive just thinking about the tart-factor of that swig. I’d definitely had some bizarre requests, especially dietary… but this one was rapidly accelerating (not unlike my saliva volume) up to the top of my “Most unusual medical needs”list. My medical incredulity alarm went off and internally I was thinking this lady is craaa-zay.  Never in my medical career could I think of a time or an instance that I could even fathom the absolute medical necessity of straight-up lemon juice for anything. Let alone making this poor camper suffer through drinking such a nasty thing! I mean, seriously… who does that? I was just about ready to very politely but firmly tell above mother that this was a summer camp, in the middle of nowhere, and the chances of us having fresh lemons was less than nill, when she told us that the reason for the fresh lemon juice had everything to do with the undiluted acid content in the juice, and nothing to do with the taste.

Okay, now I’m a bit more intrigued. Maybe she’s not totally ‘that mom’…

So long story, short, according to this kiddo’s doctor, the fresh lemon juice was a necessity to help break down the medications properly, and for her stomach to digest more easily all her food. Which, as noted before, was fine… I now got it- but still didn’t actually fix our immediate issue. I was on board with the why, now to address the how. Because, again, think summer camp in the middle of Nowheresville, Missouri; freshly squeezed lemon juice was not exactly readily accessible. Okay mom, okay… I’ll just have to check.

We had lemonade but we really needed lemons. Not fake lemon juice, good old off the tree lemons to squeeze good old lemon juice out of. We need real deal, tart, unsweeted, undiluted, acidic, make-your-salivary-glands-go-crazy lemons.

Have you ever just needed a lemon?

It occurred to me throughout that week, with every med pass that nurse made to her camper, that there must be times when God gives us lemons and He expects and needs us to just deal with the juice. The tart, unsweetened, undiluted lemon juice. He doesn’t want us to make lemonade out of it. He doesn’t want us to sweeten it up. He doesn’t want us to dilute it. He wants us to swig it down and let it do it’s work. His work. The acidic, often uncomfortable, make-your-spirit-squirm Spirit work that needs to be done within us.

The properties of acid, especially in this case, work to wear away and break down chemical structures in order to either completely do away with a substance or make it more malleable to change.

Anyone picking up where I’m going with this yet?

God uses His own lemon juice in our lives daily. Yet too often we shy away from the bitterness of the taste and miss the spiritual acid He’s using to do His work in us. We avoid taking it, like little children squirming to avoid their brussel sprouts. We spit it out. We try to sweeten it up- “making lemonade out of lemons.”

I think there is something to be said for the amazing lemonade that God allows by His grace in our lives. Those sweet times with family, the seasons of tremendous fruit spiritually, the happy days of our lives that we yearn for and reminisce about for years. These are good times. These are those deep, refreshing drinks of iced cold lemonade. They are wonderful and needed.

There are also needs for just plain old generic lemon juice. After all, juice out of a bottle is still juice. It still is acidic, and for many things it can serve the same purpose as the real deal. But it will always be diluted, it will always be pasteurized and ever-so-slightly chemically altered. Self-help books, spiritual books, blogs (uh huh, even this one… but keep reading!), counseling, meditation, etc. You get the idea. These are not bad things. they can be immensely beneficial to us… but dear ones, don’t be deceived or lazy. The real work of our souls is GodStuff. It is His spiritual acid, His lemon juice in our lives that refine and make us more into His servants. Bottled stuff will never perfectly match the composition of the real stuff.

For the word of the Lord is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 

Hebrew 4:12 ESV

Sound a bit acidic? Hard to squirm away from that… though we may try! God’s Word is the real deal. It will always be undiluted, sometimes hard to swallow, and refining to our souls. Always. So don’t avoid it.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have it’s full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4 (emphasis mine)

Trials, tribulations, testing…. all lemons. God allows and sometimes even causes such things- for the good and perfection of His people. We must see the bigger picture, so let those lemons do their thing. Let that juice work it’s way around and in and throughout. It’s uncomfortable, it tastes bad and can be seemingly so very hard to digest.  But it’s cleansing, detoxing and refining to us. He will cleanse, detox, and refine. So let Him.

Dear one- what or where are the lemons in your life right now? Are you struggling to sweeten the situation? Post below and share your lemon juice experiences and stay tuned for some of my personal lemons right now!

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In case you are wondering, we found lemons. I went down, somewhat sheepishly, to ask our cook if she happened to have any (knowing full well that she didn’t.) Turns out she had ordered an entire case by accident that week.


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  1. Beth Rayburn Avatar
    Beth Rayburn

    Dear new friend from Barnabas….some day we need to talk about how God showed up big and in advance of my arrival at camp this summer. And an accident, I don’t think so.Keep up the good work – all of it.

  2. Andi Avatar

    This describes exactly what our worship ministry at church is going through! Thanks for reminding me to not fight it!

  3. Susan Avatar

    Loving this!

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